Super Souls on a Sunday is a series created for children up to 6th grade. It is written with the intention of helping children find ways to cope with many issues they can go through, such as Bullying, Grief, Moving, loneliness, Illness and more. The hero in the first book is 6 year old Sky, a young soul living in heaven with super powers. She passes all her tests to prove she is a super soul, and begins her training to come down to earth and help a human child. This young earthling is being ...
Super Souls on a Sunday is a series created for children and young adults. It is written with the intention of helping them find ways to cope with many issues they may go through, such as bullying, grief, depression and anxiety.
The hero in this book is Scalalaloo, and other Super Souls, living in Soul City. This is a series of stories designed to help teach children ways to work through a difficult experience, as well as empower them.