Super Souls on a Sunday, is a series created for children and young adults. It is written with the intention of helping them find ways to cope with many issues they may go through in life, such as bullying, grief, depression and anxiety. The hero in this book is Scalalaloo, and other Super Souls, living in Soul City. This is a series of stories designed to help teach children ways to work through a difficult experience, as well as empower them.
Scalalaloo is one of 13 “Super Souls” in training. He lives in Soul City and comes from a long line of Super Souls. Scalalaloo’s dream has been to come down to earth and help all animals in need of assistance- even the stinkiest of them all, such as skunks and wolverines. Training comes first and it will be something he does for an entire lifetime. In this story, Scalalaloo is lost somewhere on Earth and has no idea how he will get back home.