Ronnie the Raincloud Takes His First Trip

A young raincloud anxiously awaits his first family trip circumnavigating the globe. He loves the adventures and the many beautiful places he sees - until he realizes that lots of people don't want it to rain. Ronnie later learns a very important lesson about his value and the role he plays in the lives of others.

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This is a beautifully written and illustrated book that shares one of the most important messages kids (and adults, too!) need to hear: Everyone and everything has a purpose. Everyone matters in this world! It kept my kids captivated the whole way through (ages 10 and 8) and I bought a few more copies for younger nieces and nephews who I know will love it too. It's the perfect bedtime story to read as a family that reinforces compassion, confidence, and value for everyone and everything in the world.
Read this to my grand daughter several times - she insisted. Beautifully written.
Ellen Hontz
Our 5 year old granddaughter LOVES this book. The message reinforces that everyone has a contribution to make through an endearing story about a family traveling the world. The illustrations are beautiful and colorful and the reason for the gold star appearing with the main character totally touched my heart.
Maureen H Martin
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